| 1. | The direction of each force is perpendicular to a line drawn from the axis to the point of application of the force . 每个力都垂直于从轴到力作用点的引线。
| 2. | From the wave viewpoint, a ray is an imaginary line drawn in the direction in which the wave is traveling . 从波动观点来看,一条光线是一条假想的、按波行进方向画出的线。
| 3. | Property controls the appearance of a line drawn using the 方法绘制的线的外观。
| 4. | Gets or sets the style used for dashed lines drawn with this 获取或设置用于通过此
| 5. | Enumeration that specifies the style of lines drawn with this 枚举,指定用此
| 6. | Interpreting line drawing based on lines ' relations 基于线线关系的正轴测投影线图研究
| 7. | Structure that represents the color of lines drawn by this 结构,它表示此
| 8. | The plane left a line drawing , in the endless diamond sky 飞机划过一望无际的钻石天空。
| 9. | Gets the color of hatch lines drawn by this 对象绘制的阴影线条的颜色。
| 10. | A line drawing of this arrangement is shown 图示是这种排列的管路图。